Intermède : Itay Talgam, How great conductors lead

Itay Talgam, july 2009, 20:51, subtitles available in 29 languages,

An orchestra conductor faces the ultimate leadership challenge: creating perfect harmony without saying a word. In this charming talk, Itay Talgam demonstrates the unique styles of six great 20th-century conductors, illustrating crucial lessons for all leaders.

We can use the video to illustrate what the relation between the teacher and his students can be. The goal could be for the teacher to create a space of creativity, collective intelligence, trust, joy and letting go.

(On peut utiliser cette vidéo pour illustrer ce que peut être la relation entre un professeur et ses élèves. L’objectif serait de créer un espace de créativité, d’intelligence collective, de confiance, de joie et de lâcher prise.)