Tag Archives: philosophy

Intermède: Why We Shouldn’t Hate Philosophy

https://bible.org/article/why-we-shouldnt-hate-philosophy Probe’s Michael Gleghorn explains that thinking critically about some of life’s most important questions is a way for us to fulfill the biblical mandate to love God with our minds.

Extract: Socrates claimed that the unexamined life was not worth living. And throughout its history, philosophy has gained a reputation for the careful, rational, and critical examination of life’s biggest questions. “Accordingly,” write Christian philosophers J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig, “philosophy may be defined as the attempt to think rationally and critically about life’s most important questions in order to obtain knowledge and wisdom about them.”2 So while philosophy may sometimes be a walk on slippery rocks, it may also be a potentially powerful resource for thinking through some of life’s most important issues.