Tag Archives: PERMIE KIDs

The growth of Education Communities, an example among so many

Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer – into selflessness which links us with all humanity.

Exploring Our Learning Landscapes

PERMIE KIDs is a community of parents and educators who use a design science framework that is based in the values of caring for ourselves, others, and the earth to help children leverage their interests and passions learn about… everything. The framework provides a guide for our children to start taking action with what they are learning and become solutions-based thinkers in learning and life. Our community seeks to help children empower the learner and educator within to explore traditional academic subjects, life skills, business and entrepreneurship, social-emotional development, and so much more. We help children develop a sense of self in place, time, and community. Just as people map out and design our physical landscapes, we can help our children to apply this same methodology to map, design, and explore their learning landscapes.

Taking personally-meaningful, action driven by the a child’s raw, natural energy playfully inspires them to think ethical and see connections between what they are learning and patterned-based world around them. The value of traditional subjects Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 2.45.01 PMlike science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) can now be exponentially increased to the “nth” degree with the n standing for nature – nature of self, family, community, and Earth.

Through personally-meaninful projects that weave in language arts, history, economics, as well as business and entrepreneurship, children acquire an education that is more than just academically rigorous. They acquire critical life skills, empowering characteristics, and a problem solving mindset that encourages them to move full STEAM ahead to care for themselves, others, and the earth. Check out thisScreen Shot 2015-05-29 at 2.44.52 PM fun video   put together by a PERMIE KIDs family about their son’s natural inquiry and how they helped him catch and use his raw, intellectual energy.

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