Par GPA Learn, un site parmi d’autres, qui donne une clef de ce que peut être l’apprentissage avec le numérique. Le concept est déjà vieux mais c’est structuré. Pub:
Our revolutionary, web-based math learning application includes:
- A robust curriculum with Guided Instruction, Adaptive Practice and Formative Assessments
- A safe, encrypted communication network so teachers, students and parents stay informed on progress and achievement
- Real-time dashboard views of progress by class, student, presented by topic or math standards
- Professional Development and training on LoveMath™, which complements your current curriculum and a variety of classroom models
- Personalized learning with access to all K-5 grades, powering remediation or advancement
Experience the most comprehensive and engaging math learning platform in the industry today. La pub avec Numérateur et Dénominateur, ca fait sourire, ca donne envie ou ca fait méga-peur ?